Bird Phobia Workshop

Edinburgh Zoo

23 Jun 2024

14:30 - 17:00

Price(s): Adult £65, Member £55

Bird phobia workshop graphic

Have you got a fear or dislike of birds, or perhaps can't stand the motion of birds or insects flapping? Then join us this June at our Bird Phobia Workshop at Edinburgh Zoo!

At the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) we love birds but recognise that not everyone does. Birds are fascinating animals that play an essential role in the world's ecosystems in ways that directly impact human health and economy. However, we understand how a fear of birds can really begin to impact on people’s everyday lives.

We have developed this interactive session with our expert keepers to help you get closer to overcoming your fear of birds in a controlled environment. Our workshops are split into three sections – theory, mindfulness and practical – to help you develop your comfortability around birds in a friendly, relaxed and supportive atmosphere.

Alongside our expert keepers, we are joined by Karen Barr, an experienced and accredited mindfulness teacher and practitioner who will lead the mindfulness sections of the workshops. With a BSc (Hons) in Psychology and a MSc in Mindfulness, Karen has a wealth of knowledge and expertise delivering mindfulness programmes in accordance with the guidelines set out by BAMBA.

The workshops are suitable for participants aged 16+ and includes entry into Edinburgh Zoo for the day.

For further information, please contact